Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2012


Category: Games
Jul 28, 2012
Version: 1.1
127 MB
Seller: Nanjing Imohoo Information Technology Co., Ltd.

© Imohoo Information Technology co.,Ltd.

LANGUAGES: English, Chinese

REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
What's new in Version 1.1
1. Added a new planet—lost planet and six maps.
2. Added a fort in the new map to increase its attack power. Enable it by consuming a certain amount of gold coins.
3. Added two monsters: demonbug and spider. The spider has staged venom.
4. Added new skills to some bosses. Abyss enables boss to be invisible in stage. Blade has immune tower and periodic split skills. Earth decreases the attack speed of the surrounding towers. 

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